Friday, August 26, 2022

That's All Folks!

 After eight weeks filled with laughter and lessons, the summer has come to an end. As I look back on my time at Camp Harbor View I can honestly say it was the best place to be this year. When I first found out that I would be at CHV all summer I was nervous about how the summer would go. I knew that the camp followed a very tight schedule and that we would be interacting with many camp groups during the day. Thankfully, all of the staff members at CHV were incredibly friendly and willing to help at all times. Each day we received schedules to help keep us on track and know which groups of campers we would be with. As a result of the organization at the camp, days ran smoothly and often went by too quickly. Many of the staff members at CHV became more like friends to us, I looked forward to seeing everyone each day and was excited as each group arrived with campers and staff. During our breaks, we would be seated to the side of the campers but it never stopped kids and staff from coming over to share about their day or check in and see how we were doing. 

Caught a skate on the last cast during fishing club!

Not only was the CHV staff so great, all of my Save the Harbor peers were equally as important in making this summer so memorable. From the countless rounds of Uno to joining in on camp songs, we enjoyed each day. When we were working with campers everyone was always willing to assist with all that came up. As the summer progressed, it was clear to me that both staff and campers were learning something new each day. Many campers were given the opportunity to interact with marine life for one of the first times, while STH staff learned more about Boston Harbor species and how to share what they have learned with those around them. Not a day went by where I didn't feel like I had the best job and coworkers in the world. 

Some of my amazing coworkers and I on the PTown II heading to CHV.

I am going to miss heading out to CHV each day. The warm and welcoming environment there is one that I believe all camps should aim to achieve. Thank you to all of the staff who became friends, and campers who made the days worth it. I know this summer has come to an end, but I hope that future summers at CHV bring just as much joy to all who get to experience it. 

 Thanks for following along all summer - I can't wait for the next one!


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