Monday, August 22, 2022

The Best Summer

 Hi everyone! My seventh week at Children's was a blast. On Monday we hosted a camp group at Atlantic Warf. On Tuesday, we caught a skate, a flounder, and a green crab at BCM! It was very exciting, and we also met a fish biologist who showed us a different way to tie knots on fishing lines. On Wednesday we caught a few baby flounders and one Green Crab.  On Thursday, I had the chance to got to Camp Harbor View for the day. I did a mimic with a park ranger and I got to go sailing!

Overall, this summer was full of exciting adventures that I am so glad I got the chance to do. My favorite moment with Save the Harbor this summer was the first Thursday that I went to George's Island with All Access. It was so cool because I had never been there before, and going there with David was like having a really good private tour guide. We got to learn all about the history of the island, and I even got to scare the group by hiding in a coffin in Fort Warren. It was a great day.

Through my work at Save the Harbor this summer, I have learned all about the history of the Harbor, Spectacle Island, and George's Island. I am familiar with the types of species that live in the harbor, and I know how to fish. I also got to learn about what being a park ranger is like and the fact that Green Crabs are invasive. The best skill that I was able to take away from this summer was the experience I got working with kids. By my last day of work I felt like I was able to teach kids about fishing or touch tanks in a fun and educational way, and I am so glad I got experience learning how to do that. 

Some of my favorite pictures from this summer!

                                          Our photo contest submission, taken at the old Fort Warren bakery
                                                  Aidan releasing a skate at Boston Children's Museum 
                                                            Catching a skate at Children's!

This summer was amazing! I loved the new experiences that I got to have as an employee of Save the Harbor, between experiencing three Boston harbor islands and the Boston Children's Museum. I hope I can come back next year!

See you on the Harbor, 

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