Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Hi! I'm the new intern!


My name is Erin and I'm doing my summer internship with Save the Harbor this year. I'll be working with the policy and program planning staff to help make the rest of the summer awesome! This is my senior internship through the Health Sciences program at BU. I'm originally from Maryland, but I moved to Mass to go to BU in 2020. Boston has become my home over the past 4 years, so I'm super excited to be able to help make Mass's beaches a better/safer place to be. I love going to the beach, crocheting, and my cat Lucy. She's my world! 

Save the Harbor intrigued me because the organization encompasses a lot of what I hope to achieve in the future during my career, and I have always been interested in what I could do to help make the environment a better place for future generations to be. I feel like my work here is going to help make a difference, no matter how small (I am an intern after all). 

Here's to having a great summer! 

Erin Cox 

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