Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Year 3 and Still More to See

Hi my name is Keiana, I am originally from Boston Massachusetts, specifically the Jamaica plain area. I graduated this year from cathedral high school. I will be going to North Carolina A&T in the spring. I did Track and field, volleyball, and cheer this school year. I was inducted into a youth sorority group called Zeta Phi Beta youth incorporated back in 2021 I was the president which was a fun role to experience because you got to really be hands on and have control over things and make big decisions for the group as a whole. It was last year there since I was a senior so they gave me a debutant ball which was fun and really cute you got to dress up and feel like a princess for the day. I am happy to be a returner this year because I feel as though Save the Harbor Save The Bay really helps you learn new things everyday and fishing is a good way to be able to interact with kids younger than you and it’s something about seeing them excited and happy to do something maybe the never did and you really do make a lot of new friends working here over the years. This is going to be my first year being an LHE I like it so far it’s like a leader type of role and your under the SHE instead of being a JPA. All rlly that changed id you have to attend two meeting a week instead of just one and of course the pay which is the good part about it lol. I am exciting to see what this summer has to offer and especially to see we home grow as a whole and become closer of the months. 

                               Our first week was orientation for the first day we went on a fishing trip in the harbor and we didn’t catch as much as we would have like but we caught the this animal that kinda looked like a sting ray. The second day we went to spectacle island and we learned that Spectacle Island has a varied history that included farming, a quarantine hospital, a glue factory, resort hotels, and a garbage dump. The island was recently the receiving ground for excavated material from the Central Artery/Third Harbor Tunnel Project. The site is being returned to the public for recreation as a park is constructed over the landfill. and we all were able to go swimming for the third day we all got into group and went on a scavenger hunt all around the seaport area and I feel as though this is where you got to bond with ppl in your group because throughout the first few days everyone is in their own little groups and then they start getting more comfortable around others as well.

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