Saturday, July 15, 2023

Week one of Save the harbor

>Hello guys, I am Jahni McCoy Williamson and I am 15. I play football for Cathedral High school and I currently work at Save the Harbor. I’ve been playing football for 7 years, I’ve played on many teams and I’m finally going to play my first high school season. I have three Siblings, Jahmiah 9, Jamir 8, Nakayla 22. I live in Dorchester, Boston Massachusetts. I don’t really do much, but I do enjoy watching tv and going to the field. I go to the gym sometimes, not all the time, but only when I have time. I start summer workouts for my school July 10th which is on Monday so after work I’ll be going to my first workout. I’m pretty boring if you ask me haha, I don’t go out, I don’t really have a lot of friends that I talk to daily, besides my teammates and coaches. People ask me "do I take football seriously", and I do, I want to go to the NFL. I do it so I can be active as a kid and teenager, and so I just don’t sit inside all day. People and coaches say I’m good, but that’s their opinion. I just do it to have fun to be honest. I’m going into my sophomore year, and I really tried my best to have all classes by 11th grade so I can graduate early, but my school doesn't allow that. I really wish I was able to graduate early, that would be a pretty cool thing to flex. I’m hoping to get a high GPA, I don’t know if I want to go to college because more school, but maybe I can make my own restaurant or something else. As long as I’m successful and happy, then I don’t see why I should feel like I have to go to college. It only happens if I make it happen... What I mean is “you get what you work for”, if you put in 50% you get 50%. I think I’m going to end it off there this is the part about me and there’s more to come!

My site is Piers Park in East Boston. We help and teach kids how to fish, but we really mainly catch crab. The kids are really interested in the crabs, but if I’m being honest, I don't like the crabs as much, they go wild when I try to pick them up and I feel like the spider crab is a menace to society, I dislike it so much. The other Save the Harbor staff are really good to the kids just as good as I am, we really make sure the kids have the best day.  

Since I missed the first two days of orientation, I only know Spectacle island. It has that name because it’s shaped like glasses. The history of it, I don’t really know it off the top of my head, but my leader Fatima does, and she tells me about how it was on fire for 10 years to burn all the trash that was piled on it. Oh, and my friend Sid, he’s very smart and teaches me about the Harbor. I made 3 camper friends at Peirs Park, Aj, Mateo, and Matt. They fish with me every chance they get and they are really funny. Aj is my favorite and so adorable. The kids have 2 week sessions, so all 3 of my boys left. I was so sad but it’s okay.

Sadly, I wasn’t at orentation, I was only able to make it for the scavenger hunt. I was shy and kept distance from others at first, but I broke out my shell very fast and made many new friends. Can't wait to have a fun summer! Talk later, Jah.  

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