Sunday, July 16, 2023

Year #2 -Seoule

                                                        Me when people don't want to fish

    My name is Seoule and I live in dorchester. I attend Neighborhood House Charter School and this year will be my final year of high school! At school the one club I am in is the national honors society volunteer club. In this club students chose to volunteer to raise money for school events like prom or field trips. the most recent fundraiser I participated in was the car wash. At home I enjoy doing my nails and playing the sims. I also enjoy binge watching shows, currently watching Game of Thrones and Law & Order SUV. I chose to return to Save the Harbor this summer because I love the outdoors and changing lives. Both of those is all Save the Harbor does. If we're on a fishing trip, at a beach bash, or even on spectacle island we are always outside interacting with people of all ages. Recently we changed the lives of some elderly women and men who have never fished before. they enjoyed the new experience and went home happy with the new experience of catching a crab. I was not present for this years orientation because I was on vacation but my favorite part of last years was the fishing trip. Even though I got a minor sun burn, I still found it as a fun new experience. Before save the harbor I never been on a boat so small or even actually fished before. 

    One thing I've learned about the Boston harbor these past two week is that the Boston harbor has 34 islands and peninsulas but at high tide the number drops to 33. I have also learned that the big white tanks in deer island treats 350 million gallons of sewage per day with a capacity if 1.310 million gallons per day.The Boston Harbor Islands provide shelter and food-rich habitats for marine birds, mammals, fishes and invertebrates, as well as nurseries for their children. Several species of fish, including striped bass, bluefish, and winter flounder, live in waters surrounding the islands. another species is the invasive European green crab. They are considered one of the most invasive marine species. It has few predators, aggressively hunts and eats its prey, destroys seagrass, and outcompetes local species for food and habitat.


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