Monday, July 31, 2023

Year #2


Hello everybody, My name is Simon and I'm happy to be returning to Save The Harbor for another summer. I was born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts. Specifically in the South End area and I have always been curious about the different sea life on the Boston Harbor. Attending the different sites this job has to offer will help me learn more about the history and life on the Harbor Islands. Other than learning from this job, I am also excited to reconnect with my coworkers and get the chance to reconnect with the kids from the youth programs. In addition, during the orientation, I got the chance to reconnect with my fellow co-workers. Having the chance to catch up with them and connect with our fellow new colleagues was great. Fishing and touring the islands were great, but getting a chance to talk and have fun with out  team again had to be the best part for me. 

  The history of the Boston Harbor islands has always been something that I have been interested in. Learning about how the Boston harbor islands were used for people's trash throughout the early and mid-1900s is so interesting. The harbor was so dirty people who worked on these islands had to get a shot to even be cleared to work on the Boston Harbor. It took the entire city of Boston to stop this. The people of Boston sued the city for how dirty the harbor was during that time. One of the most interesting things I learned from this was that it took 10 years to burn all the trash on Spectacle Island. Lastly, I will always remember this quote from David, "you can be a burning pile of trash for 10 years and you can still be able to turn your life around."
 The sea life in the Boston Harbor is another thing that makes the Harbor so fascinating. There are so many different sea creatures living in the harbor, such as European Green Crabs, Spider Crabs, Black sea bass, and many others that are living right in the harbor. Lastly, I am excited to learn more about the unfamiliar species that may be living on the Boston Harbors and try to get familiar with all of the species by the end of the summer. 

                                                      See Ya At The Harbor!

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