Friday, August 4, 2023

CHV Recap

Hey guys! It’s Bri just wrapped up my first half at Camp Harbor View. I was lowkey pretty sad to leave because I got to know so many kids that at first hated the idea of fishing but by the time they had to leave they wanted to stay and keep fishing. I got to know so many cool staff members at CHV and got to build stronger bonds with my CHV crew. This month I interacted with lots of crabs and a good amount of fish. I saw a lot of Green Crabs and Spider Crabs. I was also able to get to see a Sand Shark. When we caught crabs most were Green Crabs which are an invasive species in our harbor. Green crabs are originally from Europe, North Africa, and the eastern Mediterranean, green crabs have become invasive in many regions worldwide. Ranging 2.5 inches to 4 inches and they are not only green but at times many are also a brown color.  They can now be found in North America, South America, Australia, and parts of Asia. Green crabs inhabit many coastal habitats such as rocky coasts, marshes, seagrass beds, and estuaries. They are known for their ability to hide behind rocks and dig into dirt, these methods help them to survive. Green crabs are an omnivorous species who eat a variety of things, including small fish, crustaceans, bivalves, algae, and waste. The spread of green crabs has harmed local ecosystems and wealthy shellfisheries in numerous areas. Through monitoring, trapping, and public awareness campaigns, efforts are being made to manage their populations and stop their spread. In order to reduce their impact and encourage environmentally friendly methods, some areas have also looked at the possibilities of taking advantage of green crabs as a resource by turning them into food products or using them for composting. Fun fact, Green crabs are highly adaptable and are able to survive in a wide range of salinities, allowing them to thrive in both saltwater and brackish environments.

CHV Staff Jonny 🦈

Another species I encountered while at CHV was the Dogfish,Dogfish typically range in size from 2 to 5 feet long, depending on the species. They have slender bodies and are well-adapted predators in their marine environments. Dogfish are present in many oceans and seas around the world, with some species being more common in certain regions. They are known to live in temperate and cold seas and are frequently found in habitats in deep ocean waters and along continental shelves. They are highly adaptable and can be found in a wide range of habitats, including rocky reefs, sandy bottoms, and deep waters. Some species are known to undertake seasonal migrations. Dogfish are opportunistic feeders, and their diet primarily consists of fish, squid, crustaceans, and other small marine organisms. They are skilled hunters and use their sharp teeth to catch and consume their prey. Due to overfishing and bycatch in commercial fisheries, some dogfish species have conservation issues. For instance, the population of the spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) has decreased, prompting conservation efforts to control overfishing and safeguard their habitats. To secure the survival of these interesting creatures, conservation efforts work to encourage ethical fishing methods and safeguard marine environments. Fun fact, Dogfish are a sort of small shark known scientifically as Squaliform, not dogs.

    This last month has been very eventful and I honestly enjoyed every moment of it. I really loved meeting with the kids in the fishing club at the end of the day. I felt like it was the best way to wrap the day up. I loved the time I had with my crew, especially our little casting competitions. I learned many things, like how to cut the squid the right way, I am now to bait cutting expert. But no for real everything about CHV was amazing, an unreal experience that I got to enjoy with the crew and staff at CHV.

I am very much looking forward to AABH and to meet my new crew. I already know it's about to be a blast, especially getting to go on the fishing trips and beach walks at spectacle and just getting to spend more time with our Harbor Historian (David Coffin), he is low-key so much fun to hang with. Getting to know more about Spectacle and George's island is something I really look forward to. Especially getting to meet a whole new group of kids way younger than at CHV is something I look forward to, especially getting to answer their questions and seeing them process the information is the best.

"You can be a burning pile of trash for 10 years and you can still be able to turn your life around." 

- wise words from David Coffin 

See ya next time!!

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