Friday, August 18, 2023

last blog of summer '23

Hey guys it’s Chrisnel! 💁‍♀️ 

    This summer has been so much fun and I’m so sad that it’s ending :(! These past two months I worked at the sites All Access and the Children’s Museum which are very different from each other. I’m not gonna lie I liked All Access more because of the ferry rides and the fact that I got to see hundreds of people in a singular day. Children’s was a lot slower since you’re outside the museum all day doing the same thing. Where as All Access time seems to go by a lot quicker with greeting the groups coming, the ferry ride, and the amount of things to do on the islands. But Children’s was fun in its own way, seeing so many tourists walk by and seeing their surprise as I tell them all the little fun facts about our harbor that I’ve learned this summer was so fun to me.

Isis and Kimani with Montrell the Green Crab at Childrens

Something that I didn’t expect from this job is the amount of knowledge I’ve picked up without even realizing. Like the fact that rain storms washes a lot sewage and bacteria into our harbor. I learned this from the amount of times our activities were canceled this past month because of rainy August has been lol. I also learned a lot about green crabs, an invasive species in our harbor that you can tell the gender of by looking at the shape of its abdomen. And lastly, before working here I had no clue how nasty the Boston Harbor used to be.

I enjoyed all of the people I’ve met this summer. I had never expected to get so close to so many people and I’m gonna miss everyone so much. Now that summer is over I’m looking forward to soccer season this fall, and starting my second year of high school!  

Ari and I during the Turner Construction site tour!

See you guys next summer xx

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