Friday, August 18, 2023
My final blog for save the harbor
My final week and blog of save the harbor is been a wild funny and interesting part of my summer I've worked at all excess where we went to islands teaching kids how to fish,played games with them,help them touch crabs,and all in all had fun. The other place I worked out for the next half was the boston children's museum where we stood outside teaching kids how to fish(again) and let them touch crabs and draw, So it was a little boring at this site but I still had good friends who could make it really interesting. Through out all of these I learned how to fish,kayak,and sail alot better than before so I can now enjoy the seas alot better after the job. Just like how I enjoyed the best feild trip of this job the kayaking and sailing had to be one of the best ones there was just the speed I was able to gain on people that were sailing was satisfying. It makes me miss the things I'll do here when fall comes. But luckily I'll be able to see the friend's I wasn't able to see during the summer.
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