Thursday, August 8, 2024

Blog #3

 The MIT visit was by far my favorite field trip. While I was there, we learned about ocean acidification and how it affects marine life negatively. This was illustrated by participating in a group activity where we wore glasses that mimicked sight in crabs living in higher acidity levels in their environment. I was shocked by how hard it was to see in them. I learned that a rise in acidity levels is caused by CO2 in the atmosphere which the ocean absorbs. It is common knowledge by most that the rise in CO2 is directly linked to emissions from fossil fuel based energy. 

The other activity we participated in at our MIT visit was engaging in a team building game.  We designed our own underwater robots powered by propellers with the goal of winning the most points.  The points were earned by popping balloons, collecting rubber duckies and underwater rings. This was fun for everyone but it also illustrated how robots can be used underwater for research and ocean clean up. 

The Aquarium was my other favorite field trip. Although I had been many times before as a child, this was my first visit in many years.  Despite it having been some time, the penguins were still my favorite. While at the Aquarium we met other teen staff members who worked there and learned about the work they do there. The one job that stood out most to me was the person who helped feed the animals in the main tank. I thought this job position was interesting because many of them seemed to form connections with those animals.  

Next week I am looking forward to spending time on the water and hopefully more nice weather.  I am also excited to go on tours of George's Island and take Beach walks on Spectacle Island.

See you on the Harbor!

Albany Norman

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