Thursday, August 8, 2024

Blog blog blog

So far, going to Gillette stadium was the best fun Friday.We went all around Gillette on golf cart.We saw the revolution practice for three game against another team.(fun fact: one of the player Peyton miller is 16 and a starter for the team) we got to learn the roles of the coaches and how game day works for the players and coaches.One thing I wish I asked is how much the team would pay for Messi or how much players they would trade for messi. 2nd best trip ,well wasn’t really a trip was learning how to make a resume.since I’m 16 I should learn how to make one and that trip clutched up for me because if I want a job I need a resume.Learning how to make a resume held me because now I can make mine and when I need a job I’ll tell them about myself and the jobs I worked.If I was to ask a question it would be,what if I just tell them about the jobs I did and show them how good of an impact I’ll have for the job would they still give me the job ? The aquarium was good because we got to connect to kids our age and ask them how they enjoy working with sea animals.The aquarium staff told us what it was like to work with animals that we could possibly see in the harbor or maybe catch and being able to see all these animals was very cool.the sea lion exhibit was very smelly that really made me upset and I was also cold but besides that the aquarium was question I wish I asked is why don’t they have alot of sharks. i wanna catch a big fish before we end for the year.Jah out

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