Wednesday, July 31, 2024

First half recap

My name is jah and i just finished my first half of summer at chv.i mad camper freinds on thr way such as manny,dylan,gabriel and jayden.the animals We caught were green crab (we call them green crab due to their shells spelling green) (the crab are also one of the most invasive animals aggressively hunts and eats its prey, destroys seagrass, and outcompetes local species for food and,species%20for%20food%20and%20habitat we caught spider crab (they are big crabs who are covered in mud and fungus) CHV was fun i was there 2nd half of last years summer so returning was nothing bad i missed Jr and madison it was very different without them.We almost caught a bass i think it was a big fish we couldnt get it up but we saw the face of the fish. my favorite day was the hustle we did nothing but chill and i helped mohegan get 3rd place in the hustle.Getting to work with people i worked with last year was fun and seeing some LIT's i became friends with and seeing them again was fun. i went on a fishing trip with fishing club and caught fish.I think ill be going back to chv for the session 2 hustle and maybe session 3 ,the hustle is so fun because i get to run and yell.During lunch id play
basketball with simon petter maddox and liam.
Now im at all access.Theres no shade sadly.Butttttt i can play kickball and go on walks thats pretty valid and fun i will enjoy it today (wendsday july 31st) it poureddddd on us i was kinda mad but it happens.Meghan caught a fish the fish day that was pretty cool.aquarium field trip is about to be fun last year was fun so i expect even more this year since i got closer with staff.I went to peirs and baddle boarded that was also fun i can move fast on the board.But thats the recap of the first half,See you when the 2nd half ends.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

5th Summer!!

    Hey everyone it has been a while, this year it is my 5th year at Save The Harbor and I'm very excited to be back. During the school year I attended my first year at college which was a different experience but nonetheless it was an amazing experience. It did take some time to get used to being on my own but it taught me how to become more responsible. Took some challenging classes and met amazing people. It was overall a good school year. 

I am very excited to be back for my fifth year !! It’s always fun to see who returns and meeting the new comers. This year for orientation we did a scavenger hunt, went fishing and went to spectacle island which is always fun. It’s always great to catch up with returners who I haven’t seen since last summer. I caught up with Jay and Dee, it’s great to hear that things are going well for them. 

This year I get to be a SHE where I'm excited and just a little bit nervous to lead my own group of kids but I think that it will be a good summer. I was very sad to hear that my SHE from last year Madison wasn’t returning and that I would be filling in her shoes. I'm also excited to be back at Camp Harbor View (CHV). Well that is all I have to say so, see you out on the water - Ari  

Jess's introduction and first week

Hello everyone! My name is Jess, and I am thrilled to share my journey with you as

I embark on this exciting adventure with Save the Harbor this summer. I just graduated

from Boston University this May with my Master’s Degree. I live in the beautiful and

vibrant neighborhood of Brookline. My interests range from environmental conservation

and transportation planning to reading and basketball. When I’m not hitting the

books, you can find me exploring the coastline, capturing nature’s beauty through my

camera lens, reading in my cozy home, or playing tennis or basketball at the back

of my neighborhood.

This summer, I am incredibly excited to work with Save the Harbor, an organization

dedicated to preserving Boston's waterfront and ensuring public access to the

harbor’s treasures. What drew me to apply for this position was my passion for

marine life and my desire to make a tangible impact on our environment. The

opportunity to engage in hands-on learning, build camaraderie among a like-minded

team, and educate the community about our precious coastal resources is something

I have been looking forward to for a long time. Save the Harbor’s commitment to

environmental stewardship and public engagement aligns perfectly with my own

values and interests, making this opportunity even more rewarding. I can’t wait to

contribute to Save the Harbor’s mission and be a part of this dynamic team.

Our orientation week was packed with activities designed to immerse us in the

mission and values of Save the Harbor. We embarked on several trips, including

a ferry ride to Spectacle Island, where we learned about the island’s history and

its ecological significance. Spectacle Island's transformation from a landfill to a

public park was particularly inspiring and highlighted the importance of environmental

restoration. We also participated in team-building exercises that fostered a sense of

unity and collaboration among the staff. My favorite part of the orientation was the

fishing trip, where we learned a lot from David about the history of Boston. This was

also a great opportunity for our team to build cohesion. Being out on the water, listening

to David’s stories about the harbor’s past, and reeling in fish together made for an

unforgettable experience. It was a perfect blend of education, teamwork, and fun,

setting a positive tone for the summer ahead.

As I dive into my role this summer, I look forward to sharing more stories, insights,

and experiences with you all.

Together, we can make a difference and ensure that Boston's harbor remains a vibrant

and accessible resource for everyone to enjoy. Stay tuned for more updates and

adventures from the waterfront!

Here are two pictures I want to share about myself and my first day as Save The Harbor Staff:

First Day at Atlantic Wharf With Kids

See you on the Harbor, 



Third summer with Save the Harbor -Seoule

kickball on spectacle island 
 Hey there! I'm Seoule, and I'm from Dorchester. I'm excited to start my freshman year at Simmons University this fall, where I'll be studying nursing. Lately, I've been getting really into sports. It started at my second job as a restaurant hostess, where I'd find myself watching whatever game was on the TVs at the bar. Basketball and football have become my favorites recently. It's been a fun way to pass the time, and I've been learning more about the teams and players. I can't wait to keep exploring this interest as I head off to college!

This is my third summer working with Save the Harbor, and I'm thrilled to be back. What drew me to this program initially was the unique and engaging summer experience. Not only is it a rewarding part-time job, but it's also an opportunity to have fun while positively impacting Boston communities. Through our programs, we can provide experiences for local youth that they might not otherwise have access to - whether it's a fishing trip, a marine animal encounter, or a visit to one of the Boston Harbor Islands. And for many of our groups, these experiences can be life-changing.
  Beach walk on Spectacle Island

This summer, I was excited to participate in the orientation activities with Save the Harbor, and my favorite part was definitely the fishing trip. As someone who missed out on the orientation last summer, I was determined to make the most of it this year. This trip was mainly to teach new staff how to fish and about the harbor's history, but as a returner, I enjoyed it too. 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

5th Year On The Harbor


Hi, my name is Keiana I currently attend North Carolina A&T I currently resigned in Roxbury, Massachusetts I did Track and field, volleyball, and cheer this school year. I was inducted into a youth sorority group called Zeta Phi Beta youth incorporated back in 2021 I was the president which was a fun role to experience because you got to really be hands on and have control over things and make big decisions for the group as a whole. It was last year there since I was a senior so they gave me a debutant ball which was fun and really cute you got to dress up and feel like a princess for the day. I am happy to be a 5th year returner this year because I feel as though Save the Harbor Save The Bay really helps you learn new things everyday and fishing is a good way to be able to interact with kids younger than you and it’s something about seeing them excited and happy to do something maybe the never did and you really do make a lot of new friends working here over the years. This is going to be my second year being an LHE I like it so far it’s like a leader type of role and you’re under the SHE instead of being a JPA. All rlly that changed id you have to attend two meeting a week instead of just one and of course the pay which is the good part about it lol. I am exciting to see what this summer has to offer and especially to see we home grow as a whole and become closer of the months. 


see you out on the harbor - Keiana Queen 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

First Year at Save the Harbor 🌊

Hi! My name is Albany Norman and I’m from Roslindale, Boston. I was accepted into Massachusetts College of Art and Design and will be attending in the fall. I have many extracurricular activities and hobbies, but of course, the major one is art. One of my favorite kinds of art that I like to do is print making. It’s one of my favorites because the best part is the process. Having an idea or drawing, and being able to physically carve it out is both calming and fun. Another activity that I enjoy is surfing. I really love being near the ocean and at the beach. Surfing allows me to do both and enjoy the waves.

I applied to Save the Harbor because I wanted a job that would incorporate working on the water and working with nature. Something I really enjoy about this job is being able to work with and teach kids about fishing and the wildlife that resides in the harbor. Some of my fondest memories are being at the beach and fishing with my grandfather, so I want to create a space where kids are able to have those similar experiences and positive memories with the ocean. Many children are afraid of the water and I hope that this program changes that. It’s really important that our next generation is educated about the importance of the ocean and it’s ecosystems.

During orientation we went on two boat trips. On day two, after introductions and getting to know each other on day one, we went to Spectacle Island. I had previously never been to Spectacle Island so it was a surprise when I was met with sea glass and old pottery scattered along the shore. My favorite part of this trip was finding old antique broken plates and tea cups.  Some of them were old china and pieces of glass from the landfill in the 1940 were all sorts of different colors and shapes. I found it fascinating to think about how these once belonged to the hotels that once occupied Spectacle Island. On day three, we went on a fishing trip around the islands in the Boston Harbor. Unfortunately, we didn’t catch anything besides a few crabs. Even though we didn’t catch any fish, I still had fun talking with others and hanging out on the boat.

See you on the Harbor, 

- Albany

AJ on the Harbor

 Hi y'all! My name is AJ, this is my first year with Save the Harbor as a Senior Harbor Educator. I just moved to the Hyde Park area for the summer but will be returning to Ohio to finish my last year at Oberlin College. I study Environmental Science and Biology, and am especially interested in community ecology and wildlife biology. In my free time I enjoy tide-pooling, camping, back-packing, and working out. 

I was looking for marine science conservation jobs in Boston this Spring and came upon the SHSB website. I was thrilled to see that there was a position that suited both my skills and interests and would also expand my horizons in aspects such as working with many kids of all different ages as well as leadership, and the most challenging one yet -- the Silver Line. I am so excited to be a part of the SHSB team as well as fostering connections with the staff at my site. So far we are enjoying learning from each other and growing together (and playing several rounds of Uno per day). In the second week at our site we led a successful lesson for ~60 kids on ocean food chains! Planning the lesson and designing the activity throughout the week with my team was challenging but rewarding. The lesson was a hit for both the kids and camp instructors; kids were engaged and learning, and the instructors got a break! I am looking forward to the following weeks and the fun we'll get up to :).

There was a lot of suspense building up to orientation week, and I have to say it exceeded expectations, in addition to changing my expectations for the rest of the summer. We played quite a few introductory games that allowed for the first-time and returning staff to get to know one another. The fishing trip was helpful in demonstrating the kind of fishing we would be doing, and also a nice refresher for fishing 101. Since I had never been to Spectacle Island, seeing it was really beneficial for me in understanding the history of the island and greater Boston. David was especially informative. The 3 days of orientation gave me the opportunity to make some initial acquaintances that I hope to see at events throughout the summer even though they aren't in my group. 

See you next time!
Splish splash, 

Second Year Blog #1

 Hi! My name is Kayla and I'm a rising junior at Montrose School in Medfield. I live in Brighton near BU and BC. Some things I do in my free time are art (drawing and sketching), science experiments, and hanging out with my friends. I also like to play tennis and soccer.

Selfie with Leah, Elizabeth, and Makayla

This is my second summer with Save the Harbor and glad to be back! I returned because it was fun to interact with new people everyday and teach them about the harbor. Another reason is to hang out with my friends that I made from this job and getting to know others too. The crabs are also cool and playing card games with strangers is fun.

Drawing by Leah

During orientation week we went to Spectacle Island, waterfront, and harbor of Boston. My favorite trip was to Spectacle because I was able to play cards with my friends and walk on the beach looking for beach glass. Unfortunately, the fishing trip was unsuccessful as no fish were caught, but it was a fun experience. Can't wait to do more staff bonding trips!!

Kayla x2

Spectacle Island Talk by David

See you next blog!!!
Kayla 💕

3rd Year At STH

     Hello everyone, my name is Simon and I am from Boston more specifically the South End. I am also heading into my sophomore year at UMass Boston, as well as returning for my 3rd year at Save The Harbor. My hobbies are playing and watching sports such as Football and Basketball, also I like to watch Marvel movies during my free time. Such as the Avengers, Spiderman, and even some of the Iron Man movies I enjoy watching. 
     Secondly,  I'm excited to make new connections and learn more about the Boston Harbor that I didn't know in previous years. Expanding my knowledge and understanding of the Harbor can help me become a better LHE and also help the kids have a better understanding of the sea life in the Boston Harbor area. More importantly, this job provides new experiences every year and you don't know what to expect. That's why I really love this job because of the variety of learning experiences you encounter throughout the summer.  Lastly, my favorite part of orientation was the trip to Spectacle Island, I enjoyed the beach walks and seeing the view of the city from afar. The best part of that day was the games we played which I thought were fun and was a great chance to bond with the team as a collective group. Also, it was a great opportunity to get along with the new members of the team and build connections. 

3yrs and counting


My name is Maddox, a student at Umass Boston as well as a third year returner to Save The Harbor I commute from west Roxbury to seaport which is the location for in my opinion the best site CHV (camp harbor view) on Long Island.  Some of my interests are basketball, fishing, swimming and football. And most of these interest can be exhibited at the sites that I’m assigned to. This summer I’m excited to work at save the harbor because it’s not a job you’ve had before it’s a completely different setting and to be quite honest the best job I’ve ever had. The friends I’ve made both coworkers and campers don’t compare to any other job I’ve had which strengthens my excitement for new connections since if you want that this the best job for that. What initially drew me to apply was  honestly just curious about a job near the water since I’m aspiring marine biologist having a setting like save the harbor on both resume and skills, teaching the future generations about water preservation, animals in the harbor and this overall rich history of seaport. During orientation we played lots and lots of get to know you games which wasn’t exactly my favorite part but I was still active. We also went on a mini fishing trip which also was a history lesson courtesy of David. My favorite part will always be hanging out with my friends on the fishing boat every year. As well as seeing the new jpas and connecting with them. That’s all folks have a great day!

-Maddox A.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The return

(I used pictures of the boys who caught a fish on the fishing trip I was on) My name is Jah, this is my 2nd year at save the harbor save the bay and my site is chv. I returned this summer because i had fun last year and learned alot about the many islands.So far chv has been ok not as fun as last year,i had more fun last year.I came to oreantation this year i didnt go last year but i enjoyed it i went to spectacle and had fun with my friends.Alot of my favorite SHE's left like daruis and fatima and maddison but they are on to new things.My new SHE ari is fun and my LHE simon and maddox are fun to.we caught a fish on our fishing trip with fishing club.
I want to catch my first fish this year,i only caught 3 crabs. Id like to go on more fishing trips because they are fun and i get to make friends with new coworkers.At chv my Favorite lighthouse is Mdot most of the kids i talk to during fishing club are in thing i need to work on is swearing it just slips out but ill work on it.Im enjoying Working just like last year,low key wish i was a LHE i work mad hard imma be one ,one day. I hope I end up working with my friends Kimani and  Clarck 2nd half of summer. I never worked with them before I hope I can this year.I will be working many events this year because I worked a few last year and its for money so I think i'm good. I will be enjoying my 2nd year ill see ya'll next blog ✌🏾