Lost, Confused, and Fortunate
April 17th, 2014
When I began my internship at Save the Harbor/Save the Bay I was
excited to jump head first into something I had been passionate about for many
years. Since I was an environmental student in college, Save the Harbor/Save the Bay was and
is a perfect opportunity for me to learn about non-profit organizations,
environmental issues, and its protection and restoration methods.
The one and only
clear answer I now have is that I want to work and learn more about the
environment and the strategies to protect it and the public. The environmental
field encompasses many different areas of study and I am still struggling to
focus my attention. As a recent college graduate with minimal experience
I know I am fortunate to have any experience in the environmental or non-profit field which ultimately
may help me to determine my goals and interests.
After 11 months since graduation and not having a clue to what
comes next; I often feel I am behind my peers and it feels as though I am running a race trying to catch up to them. Many of my peers found jobs fairly
quickly after graduation; which led me to doubt myself, my future, and
interests. I have had a tough time realizing that every person is different and
we are all capable of different things. More importantly, for the sake of our
own sanity, we should never compare ourselves to our peers and friends.
I often think back to the times I have visited abroad and saw young children whose lives have already been planned -where they will work and live. In those moments I realized that I am fortunate to have the impossible task of figuring out my first job and my future. At the age of 22, I have a dozen
opportunities that wait for me. I can't imagine my future working one type of
job in only one particular field; and hopefully I don't have too. Even
though I want and like the idea of having options; I sit here today feeling
anxious and scared.

I would like to thank the staff and interns at Save the Harbor/Save the Bay for helping and supporting me. I am so happy to have had this opportunity learning about environmental issues along with meeting people who share the same interests. Finally, a special thanks to Bruce who forced me to think about things when I didn't want too. Interning at Save the Harbor/ Save the Bay has not only been a learning opportunity but it has been a growing experience both personally and professionally.
On that note, I may still be a little lost and confused; but I am fortunate enough to have a network of friends and colleagues at Save the Harbor to support my struggle until I find my first full-time job and ultimately my career.
Tanya Bhargava
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