Thursday, August 22, 2019

in a world of algorithms, hashtags, and followers know the true importance of human connection.

"Recognize that every interaction you have is an opportunity to make positive impact on others"
-Shep Hyken 

Art group came fishing! 
This summer has been filled with new friendships and connections, I have been working at the Boston Children's Museum every week day with the exception of staff enrichment days since early July. It has been a blast bonding with the SHSB high school and college student staff. I've learned a lot of "lingo" and they took me down memory lane of the good ole high school days. Interacting with them, asking questions and giving them advice for future endeavors made me feel like I was impacting them in positive manner, I hope they remember my advice of "always go the extra mile in life in, whatever you do". 

One of my personal favorite activities was the vocabulary game. When the Junior Program Assistants were teaching kiddos about the crabs or fish in our touch tank, I provided the JPA with a random vocabulary word like telephone" and they had to use the word in a sentence but still make it relevant. 

Anthony "These crabs came from far away in Europe, they were only a telephone call away. 

This activity gave them something to laugh about but more importantly broaden their vocabulary. 

Leo & Oliver
Leo caught a striper! 
We have had two sets of "regulars" kiddos, they come to us once or twice a week. It was heartwarming to know that they appreciated and enjoyed that we offered free Fishing 101, which included how to fish, parts of the fishing rod, and learning about the marine life caught in our touch tank.  
I got to work a little boy, (five years old) that came here once or sometimes twice a week in hopes of catching a big fish. One morning, we saw minnows being chased and we drop casted the line, moments later there was a striped bass on the line. He was extremely ecstatic! I was walking in my neighborhood one day, and I saw the mom and the boys, they stopped me and couldn't stop talking about how excited they were about the fish catch. 
In a world of accessible technology, I'm grateful that I was able to work for Save the Harbor and educate children on fishing and the Boston harbor. The kids will have stories to tell their friends and teachers when school starts, have fun memories on the harbor, and hope will love the water enough to keep it clean! 

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