Hello everyone!
Charlie and his lobster |
This week was full of so many fun activities, and a lot of large fish! We programmed at Piers Monday and Thursday, but on Tuesday and Wednesday we were lucky enough to be out on the Harbor fishing! Tuesday was our Courageous day, so we took a bunch of eager kids out on the Belle with Charlie and Rainey. It was a beautiful day on the water and we got to see some lobsters from Charlie's lobster traps. I was feeling adventurous and stuck my finger in one of the lobster's claws, and, of course, got pinched... yikes! In total, our kids caught four cunner and about 8 black sea bass, which was very exciting! Unfortunately, none of them were keepers, but everyone had a fun time fishing. I know that I really enjoyed myself! I love being on the Belle with Charlie and Rainey and the rest of the SHSB staff. Too bad that was my last official fishing trip for the summer...
Basil and our striped bass |
Wednesday was full of fun times, too. It was our annual fishing derby! Brianna, Tessa, and I were lucky enough to join Basil Freddura on his boat. Basil is well known within the fishing world, not only because we often do events with him, but also because his family owns the Daily Catch. For anyone who hasn't been, it's an incredible Italian seafood restaurant. The original is in the North End, but they have a few locations throughout the city! Try their delicious calamari. Trust me, you won't regret it.
While on Basil's small and sturdy boat, we caught a total of seven fish! Some were bait fish, such as pollock or menhaden. The one keeper we got was a 34-inch striped bass. The adrenaline running through my body made me feel more excited than I've been in a long time. Wow, I love fishing! Some of the other fishing groups caught many large striped bass. Grace, one of our JPAs, caught a record striper! I believe it was about 45 inches long! There were so many huge fish on Fan Pier, and we got to filet them and bring the meat home to cook and eat--yum!
Courageous kids with their catch |
Friday was also an exciting day for me. I was able to go to Long Island to check out Camp Harbor View (CHV) for the first time. I'd never been before, and it was really cool to see what happens there on a daily basis. We were lucky enough to be there while some NPS rangers were visiting, and they gave us a behind-the-scenes tour of the lighthouse on Long. Fun fact--the lighthouse on Long Island, which is approximately one tenth of an acre, is the only land in the Boston Harbor Islands that the NPS owns! The NPS does not own any of the 34 islands in the Harbor, but helps to work in partnership with its owners. We also got to wander and see the old fort that remains on the island, and saw "KENNEDY" spelled out on the top of the fort--a reminder of when Ted Kennedy's first ran for Senate back in the day.
What an incredible week!
Hopefully will catch you (and another big striper!) later,
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