In just one short week I will have to leave my STH/STB family and travel to the great beyond that is New York to attend Graduate School. In the 8 short weeks that I have been working here at STH I have had the great opportunity of not only getting to teach, fish, and play with the amazing kids of Boston, but I have also had the good fortune of working with some of the most incredible people I have yet to meet. This has not just been a summer job opportunity, but one that has been eye opening to say the least. I will be obtaining my Masters in Marine Conservation and Policy and this job has certainly helped point me in the right direction as to what I would like to focus on in Graduate School come this fall.
The First Fish Dissection |
I would be remiss if I did not talk about my dedicated co-workers in the post. With the majority of my time spent at Community Boating on the Charles River and Courageous Sailing in Charlestown, I have been very fortunate to have had a steady rotation of Junior Program Assistants that I have been able to get to know and learn a great deal from. From putting up with my horrible sense of direction by getting lost on a weekly basis, to putting up with my demands and high expectations, these JPA's have truly made my summer. With unwavering dedication and their daily flexibility, the work ethic that I have observed from my co-workers is inspiring, and I am confident as they head back to high school or college in the fall that they will be incredibly successful in their endeavors.
The Whole Group |
Now on to the Senior Marine Educators, Lead Harbor Explorers, and the rest of the office staff that keep this place running on a daily basis. I have never walked into a job and felt so welcomed right off the bat. They have the amazing talent of making all who enter the doors of the STH/STB office feel comfortable, not to mention having the greatest sense of humor and being able to constantly keep the staff in high spirits. It is not often that you find yourself, after a day of working with the same people, that you want to leave work and continue to spend time with your co-workers. This has been one of those jobs.
Senior Program Staff and Lead Explorers |
Lastly I want to talk about the reason why I took this job in the first place: to teach the kids of Boston more about the City and the ocean that I love. Every day held a new experience, filled with kids eager to learn, explore, pull traps, and fish the waters in the City of Boston. My goal for this summer was to spark interest in at least one kid and to have them leave from the program and have a desire to continue to learn more about the ocean or rivers that make Boston so unique. I would like to think that each kid that participated in the STH/STB program learned something about the ocean or river that they had never known before, or had an experience that they have never had, whether it was kayaking the Charles, catching their first fish, or holding a lobster for the very first time. Because of this I can say that I have completed my goal.
Saying Goodbye |
I feel that I can leave this position and head to Graduate School knowing that this summer I have helped make a difference, by thinking locally and acting globally, I pass the torch to the future generation of Harbor Explorers in the City of Boston. And as always- take chances, ask questions, get messy!-Sarah Bailey
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