Today marked the start of our third week here at Courageous Sailing in Charlestown and before greeting our new group of kids for the SSS or Sail, Swim, Science class I took a moment to look around and admire my surroundings. Being from the suburbs of Boston I spent the majority of my free time these last two weeks getting lost in the City while attempting to drive from different STH/STB sites and still be on time. Before working for STH the extent of my knowledge of Boston was driving to Back Bay to spend the day on Newbury or taking the green line to Fenway Park. These past three weeks I have been able to immerse myself in all things Boston and have been able to come away with a deeper understanding of the city I call home.
Haley looking Boston Strong in front of the TD Garden |
After living in California the last two years anytime someone would ask the inevitable "where are you from?" the answer was always "Boston and proud of it", although home is actually Natick, MA. After the these last couple of months with all the trials and tribulations that Boston has gone through I have felt a little guilty about saying that I am from Boston without knowing too much about Boston itself. Today I was proudly able to drive from the STH office to Courageous without getting lost, a huge feat that I didn't believe was possible a mere two weeks ago. Upon arrival at Courageous today I was able to take a look around the pier and point out where the TD Garden, North Station, East Boston, and the STH office were all located, another impressive accomplishment I could add to my Boston resume. With the help of Thi Tran I was even able to navigate the unknown waters of the Red Line and get myself home after a long day in Quincy. These last couple of weeks working for STH/STB have not only been fulfilling by being able to teach kids about the ocean that I love, but has also been able to open my eyes to all parts of my beautiful city.
A Boston Staple: Duck Tours |
I can now proudly and with confidence say I am a Bostonian. Need to directions to get to North Station? No problem! Need a new place to park now that the Longfellow Bridge is under construction? Let me know and I can point you in the right direction!
And as always-take chances, ask questions, get messy! Sarah B
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