Today was one hot day to not remember, but I'm forced to because of the good memory. Aside from the heat. today was a great day at Revere Beach. There was a lot of cool stuff happening, and there was a lot free stuff given away. It was good times. There were games and a live band. We at Save The Harbor/Save The Bay brought our touch tank. What I like most about the day was I met this kid named Joshua, and I played frisbee with Save the Harbor staff, Thi and Andy. One thing I didn't enjoy was the hot sand that made it hard for me to walk on, so I was inside the tent more than I was in the water. One other thing I liked was the free food and apple sauce which I had five samples of. I mean who doesn't love free things. R.I.P. to the lobsters that didn't make it. We all appreciate the hours they put in. Also, big thanks to Bridget from Save the Harbor/Save the Bay for all the tasty snacks and food she brought to the office!!!

It was my first time at Revere Beach, and I had a great time there. I loved everything except the heat.
- Manny A.
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