For The Love of Clingy
At McDonough Sailing Center a young girl was fascinated by all the crabs that we had in the touch tank. She was really into the crabs, especially two of them. One a toddler crab that she called "Runner" because every time she put it down it would just try to walk and escape from where ever it was at. It was very cool to see how she connected with the crab so much to give it a name. But that was not her favorite crab. Her favorite crab was a small and delicate baby crab. She called the crab "Clingy" because if she held it long enough it would begin to hold on, or cling, to her hand. She would walk around with clingy and show everybody how small he was. She would even let him walk on the deck to see how fast he would move or where he would go. She kept doing this until something tragic happened, Clingy fell through a crack on the dock and they could not seem to get him out. The kids tried to hold bait in front of him in order to see if he would vote it and pull him up, but he didn't. It wasn't until the little girl was probably moments from tears that Lindsay and I had to spend about 5 minutes trying to finagle the baby crab out of the crack. Once he was out and she was relieved she left Clingy in the touch tank and made sure no one would take him out in order for nothing bad to happen again.

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