The children patiently waiting for their bite |
Fishing never fails to be the number one attraction, whether were standing on the Charles River or out on the pier at Courageous Sailing by the Charlestown Navy Yard. Despite the constant upset of a false tug on the line or the close catch as the fish steals its lunch, the children are eager to cast their lines back in and try again. Their patience for fishing is admirable and awe-inspiring as the eagerly await the bite of an unsuspecting fish. It is amazing to watch these children as they cast their lines with everlasting hopes to catch even the smallest of fish. The children have so much fun that they do not realize that fishing is a profession and a skill. This comes so naturally to them, they do not see it as challenge. They love to fish and they have a great time doing it and that is all that matters to these young and bright children. The highlight of my week was when the kids competed to see who could cast their lines the farthest. They challenged each other and brought out the best of one another as they threw their lines into the vast ocean.
Sarah Bailey and the champion herself holding one of her four fish |
It is a shining moment when a child catches a fish, even for the kids still waiting for their lucky break. I believe the kids are just happy to know that it is possible to reel in a sea dweller and they are not hopelessly casting a line into the darkness below the surface. Catching a fish is a goal on every child's mind as their bait is place on their hook. They look out at the giant blue mass we call an ocean and say to themselves "I want to catch a fish." On some days, one lucky fisherman is able to catch 2 fish sometimes even 3! We even had a day where all of the four fish that were caught, were caught by the same little explorer. The joy on her face as she caught fish after fish in a matter of minutes! I would say she would likely return next summer if she wants to keep her record!
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