Monday, August 1, 2016

Harbor Illumination

 At the Harbor Illumination fest, I enjoyed a chill Saturday fish printing. The weather wasn't too hot and it was a good day to spend time with my coworkers and kids. The people there were friendly and kind to show us their own stations. There was tie dye shirts, bubbles, hula hoops, singing and dancing, and even an animal stand. They showed us cute little turtles that walked slow and fast and although we couldn't touch it was interesting to learn about the different types.

 The fest had a welcoming atmosphere with generous people surrounding us. The music was lit and there was all types of good smelling food around that made my mouth water. We had many kids who were excited to fish print. They got real creative with their paintings by adding polka dots or stripes or painting the fins a different color from the body. They were fantastic and I hope they kept their nice prints to hang up on their wall. It can remind them of a good time they had at the festival just as it reminds me.

All Summer 16
Kharliyah Ortiz

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