Welcome Back !

I hope you have been waiting for this weeks follow-up to my previous blog. Well first things first, I owe you all an explanation of our experiment. I hope your excited. The purpose of our experiment on the rocky beaches of Camp Harborview is to see if we can get sand to return to the beach. That is the catch to last weeks conclusion of my previous post. In our cut off area (pictured to the right) we ask the children, with our assistance, to remove all periwinkles and Asian shore crabs to see if the sand will return in that designated area. Asian shore crabs are invasive and accompanied by periwinkles they are a formula for disaster. It is a long term experiment but we hope to soon have sand back in that portion of the beach and hope to find a solution to obtain sand all across the beach.
Success is better when shared with those who were right by your side |
Also, we caught a Striped Sea Bass. Say it with me STRIPED SEA BASS (WOOO!). Atlantic regulations state that the sea bass has to be above 28" in order to keep it. Unfortunately our bass was well below the threshold but watching our phenomenal fishing club work collaboratively to reel in the fish was amazing. The three campers accompanied by their group leader caught their first, collective, fish ever! A great start to the week none the less.
Its been a great start and now we hope for a great ending. Stay tuned for more amazing stories here for the rest of the summer.
In due time,
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