Hi everyone! My name is Zach Johnston, and I'm very excited to be spending my first summer with Save the Harbor working as a Senior Harbor Educator. I'm from the South Shore, so the Harbor is still a bit unfamiliar to me, but I'm ready to dive right in.
This is a photo of me collecting insects in a river in VT.
Though most of my knowledge is in freshwater,
I'm excited to give the ocean a try! |
Growing up near a pond and a forest, I've always been a big fan of exploring nature, whether it be hiking, beachcombing, or boating, among a variety of other experiences. I think it's due to my experiences as a Boy Scout, which taught me the importance of respecting the environment. When not in nature, I can be found likely rehearsing for a play or doing some improv comedy. I love acting because it allows you to imagine yourself as an individual who may be very similar to you, or very different, and it's up to you to figure all that out. I find as an individual that I like to make connections with everyone I meet, and acting is a great way to help me learn about myself, and walk a mile in anothers shoes.
Having recently graduated from Saint Michael's College in the beautiful Burlington Vermont, with a degree in Biology and a minor in education, I am looking forward to being able to put that into action over the course of this summer. This truly is right up my alley, and I look forward to the memories I will make. I think we all have a duty to pass our knowledge on to the next generation. I've always found that children are eager to learn about the world around them, and I am thankful to be part of their experience in learning about this amazing environment right in their backyard.
Until next time,
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